
Showing posts from April, 2014

Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship

One of the many parts of my job as an instructional technology coach is to design professional development programs for teachers and students in my district. One of the most recent programs that I'm working to develop is a digital citizenship course for a 6th grade exploratory class at our district middle schools as well as a short introduction to digital citizenship for our staff. In addition, April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and because of that, I felt that this topic would be timely and appropriate. Digital citizenship is something that I believe all teachers should address on some level in all classes.  Students need to be given tools to help prevent their own good intentions from exposing them to harm. However, it is most often neglected in classes due to pressures of curriculum, time, and even a lack of knowledge or resources on the part of the teacher (to no fault of their own - teachers are incredibly overburdened with so much during this time of trans...