Using Google Classroom to Give Students On-going Feedback

As the school year begins this year, there is much buzz about the new classroom management suite from Google called Classroom. I know I'm as excited about it as anyone could be! Being able to manage student work and your own teacher workflow without knowledge of scripts and Add-ons makes my life as an instructional technology specialist much easier.

One of the really great features in Google docs, and how Google Classroom integrates that as part of the assignment work/submission process, is the "Suggesting" mode in docs. While a student is completing an assignment, the teacher has the ability to open student documents and make suggestions.

This is very handy during editing and revising periods, before a paper would be turned in. When a teacher makes a suggestion, the student will see the suggestion and the parts that have been changed will show up with a strike-through (see screenshot above). Students can then compare their text with the suggestion and make a decision on whether to change to the suggestion or keep their original wording.

Once a student has turned in the assignment via Google Classroom, the student can no longer edit or make any modifications to the file until the teacher has returned that document to them through the Classroom interface or the student has "Unsubmitted" the assignment.

I plan to add more details about Google Classroom as our teachers learn more and experience it more in the future. Check back for more in the coming days and weeks!


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