Accessibility Considerations
As more and more content is added to the web on a daily, or even minutely, basis, one of the most important aspects of design is accessibility. Any web designer worth their grain of salt should be able to discuss this, but many people who add content to the web aren’t professional web designers and don’t even know where to begin. Plus, now, more than ever, many school districts are being hit with complaints, notices of non-compliance, and in some cases lawsuits over not having accessible design or content on their pages. When designing content on a page, we often rely on what we can see to make things look readable and pretty. However, just adding bold or different size fonts doesn’t help users who rely on screen reader software or other add-ons to access information. Use these ideas to add more functionality to your documents and web page design to make sure everyone can access the important information you have posted: Header levels/Styles Using header levels and header forma...