My Case for Using Twitter as Part of a PLN

This year has been an amazing year for me and my PLN. It started last year at the local NCCE conference when I was able to network with many of the Northwest's prominent Ed Tech gurus and has grown quite a bit since. My main source, right now, is Twitter.

Twitter does have its own negative connotations. Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and others give it a sense of narcissism that is hard to escape. However, when used to follow people that are interested in the same idea as me, technology in the hands of students and teachers in classrooms, then it can be one of the most powerful connections for teachers. Even for all learners.

One of the people that I've come to follow, Alice Keeler (who I've mentioned before) has some great tips and ideas for getting started on Twitter. She has an amazing blog, with a lot of great information, but her document on Twitter continues the same line of thought that I have with Twitter. That is, I have to make it work for me and what I want to learn. If I am not learning from it, then I need to make a change.

I know many people don't want to hear me say they should get a Twitter account, but in all honesty, much of what I've learned about technology and instructional practice this year has come from my Twitter feed. It has helped me to feel more connected to the world outside of my own district and practice; plus, I get the benefit of learning from what others are doing around the nation and around the world.


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